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Crossroads Bait and Tackle Fish Report > Hot Fishing in July
Hot Fishing in July

Jul 23, 2020

There are a ton of big Stripers around chasing the schools of pogies out on the beaches during the day. They have typically been found in 15-30 feet of water. With so much bait in the water though it had made it a little bit more of a challenge to get a big bass to bite your pogie when there is a million to chose from but there is a few different things you can do to set yourself apart. first look for the smaller schools that are a little denser and away from the larger mass. Also try trolling a pogie around the outskirts of the school, and even with a trolling weight to get it down a little deeper. If that's not working guys have also had luck bringing in some mackerel and throwing them into the pogies, sometimes something a little different can stick out.

Mackerel have been a little spotty in close but can still be found in the usual spots. If you're looking to really load up though, out in the deeper water at speckled apron and Hampton shoal ledge have been more consistent with a heavy pick of bait.

Haddock fishing has slowed down a little bit in close but on the eastern side of Jeffries you can still go limit out. The prong has lightened up but the curl has been pretty consistent for the bigger haddock and pollock, where as other places in closer have been producing the average 17 inch just barely keeper size haddock.

Sharking has also really picked up too, blue sharks have moved in and are everywhere out on the ledge. Some Thresher and Mako sharks have been mixed in between too but not in any consistency like the Blue sharks.

Tuna fishing is also really hot right now. With the commercial closure from the buyers there are not many hooks in the water and the fish are getting lazy when picking meals. Early morning bites have been real good for guys fishing around the schools of pogies, although if you are just striper fishing be careful because many have gotten spooled. If you're looking to bait and wait for them they are not out far the bite out on the 180 line has been pretty good. The fish seem to be cruising that in between chasing the pogies on the beach and heading back out to Jeffries


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