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Crossroads Bait and Tackle Fish Report > Fishing report, stripers, tuna, cod, haddock, blue
Fishing report, stripers, tuna, cod, haddock, blue

Jun 28, 2009

The Stripers have started to slow down in the merrimack river however there is still some good action. 7 1/2 inch Alewife Slug-go's are hitting very well but since the bluefish moved in rubber baits have been getting chewed up out by the mouth. Joppa Flatts isn't holding as many big fish as it was and there are a ton of schoolies hitting eels but not actually swallowing the baits. Mackeral are tough to find but you can get some off the Isle of Shoals and a few are still hanging around the Hampton Shoal Ledges.

Cod and Haddock- Bottom fishing is pretty good off of Old Scantum. Tillies has been producing a lot of big fish when the weather breaks and people actually have a chance to fish out there. We were out this week and Jigs on the drift were outfishing the bait. ended up with a couple over 30lbs.

Bluefin Tuna- a 92" inch fish was caught on the troll on the northwest corner off of rigged ballyhoo with a Black and purple squirt on Friday. Also a bunch came in that were between 60" and 65" Trolling ballyhoo and spreader bars.


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