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Crossroads Bait and Tackle Fish Report > Don't Get Dogged Out
Don't Get Dogged Out

Aug 14, 2009

Our most feared enemy the Dogfish are in heavy from Speckled Apron up to the Isle of Shoals and out towards Jeffries Ledge. They have invaded the area.

Stipers- Most of big Striped Bass have been coming in from the mouth of the Merrimack River and Joppa Flats at night. The boat anglers have been catching plenty of Mackeral at Breaking Rock and drifting the South Jetty however with the warm days coming up this weekend it is very important to keep an eye on your water temperature. If the water temperatures continue to climb it won't be all that surprising if the bluefish show up heavy this weekend.

Tuna- This is where the Dogs make it very tough to catch tuna if you are using live or chunk bait. To avoid the dogs either troll or run your baits shallow or better yet send up a kite with a mackeral, small bluefish, or a pogie. Keep the chumming down or the dogs will be swarming the back of your boat. We had a tuna take a mackeral right out of our hands at first light 2 miles northeast of Andersons Ledge on wednesday but any bait run down deep was devoured by dogs. If you can find pogies and don't have a kite do a slow troll with a rigged pogie off of your outrigger.

Cod and Haddock- the dogs are coming up on Clams try jigging for the big cod and use a pink or blue teaser rigged 18 inches up from your jig for a good shot at some haddock.


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