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Crossroads Bait and Tackle Fish Report > Excelent Early June
Excelent Early June

Jun 5, 2010

Stripers- The Striped Bass Action has been outstanding. We are still finding tons of bait out front and you can see swarms of sandeels cruising up and down the beaches. There are plenty of big fish around and many of them are still up in the river so if the mouth gets too crazy try some of the holes in the back parts of the river up near Deer Island and high rock. I have started getting alot of action on live eels at night and throwing a lot of soft plastics (ie ron-z's and Slug-gos. On the troll the niner rigs and Olive Green shallow divers have produced many stripers.

Tuna- footballs on the northwest corner of stellwagen and giants to the south. they are already getting bluefish off of race's point and there are some big tuna below that. Crossroads faithful fast Eddie of fishy biz charters bagged a 52" football and Bucky and Jenn brought one in today also. fast eddie caught his on a black spreader bar with a white redvain stinger.

The spawn season is still happening out front on whale back and the mudhole for some big cod. we saw some monsters come in this week and surprisingly alot of them were off of clams. I usually favor jigging this time of year but it wouldn't be a bad idea to take a bait with you.


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