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Crossroads Bait and Tackle Fish Report > Irene's Labor Day
Irene's Labor Day

Sep 2, 2011

We did not get hit very hard from Irene, however our fishing did get affected. Within the Merrimac River or anywhere near the mouth, I highly recommend putting the lures away and throwing some bait. The River is dirty and silty from all of the rain that is running down from New Hampshire. Stripers are relying more on their noses than sight. Out front of the High Sandy on the Plum Island side there is an abundance of fish. The Storm pushed alot of cold water right up tight to the beach with a batch of warm water only about a half mile off the beach. The Bluefish are hanging out right in the warm water on the edge of the temperature break, pushing over the line to hit some unsuspecting colder water bait. Mackeral were stacked up heavy from about Speckled Apron until about 7 miles offshore.

Tuna fishing continues to be very productive since the storm. There is an abundance of bait to use. Some guys are stopping to get mackeral on their way out while others are consistantly finding whiting or Herring. Most of these fish seam to be traveling and hitting baits right around 120 ft(20fathoms). Most of the fish right now are very shy and are turning away from the heavier leaders and larger hooks. Try cutting back on your drags and lighten your gear. You can't catch em if you don't hook em first. The Commercial Tuna have been in pretty close with a lot of footballs out at the Curl.

Tillies did very well for Cod and Haddock this week. Pink was the hot color. The cod were hitting Jigs with pink skirts and pink teasers picked up some haddock. A lot of other life was coming up on the lines as well. We saw some cusk, big whiting, pollock and a big wolf-fish as well.


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