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Crossroads Bait and Tackle Fish Report > Bluefish Blitz
Bluefish Blitz

Jul 13, 2012

The Bluefish are in heavy in many areas around the mouth of Merrimack River all the way out to the 3 mile line. Like usual they hit just about anything and are making targeting stripers a little tricky. They have been boiling on the surface right out front and chopping up live mackeral at the 3 mile line. There have been mackerel around and they are coming right into sight in the chum, however guys have smartened up a little and prove tricky to catch. On Sunday I had to bait my sabiki's with a little clam to catch them early in the day and then they got real finicky and I had to use a single trout size hook on a bobber with a little bait and catch em 1 at a time. There are good amount of low 30 inch stripers around with a couple big ones. The Blues will ruin a lot of your striper gear but if you fish through then you can find the stripers. Really the only place the blues havn't been too prevailant yet is tight to the beach and in river a little bit.

There has been some good early season tuna action, Harrison landed his first Blue-fin of the season on the rod I built him last month up at Old Scantum on a live whiting at about 120ft. The 91inch bluefin tuna had his longer lighter rod touching the water at some points. The whiting have been readily available on mylar sabiki's tipped with a little herring belly however there is a ton of herring bait ball's, perfect size bluefish, and mackerel available so dealers choice on your lucky bait. I prefer the whiting.

A lot of ground fish guys targeting cod and haddock have gotten harrassed by the green eyed dogs out on Jeffries Ledge especially at the Curl. Which was fishing very well about 2 weeks ago. The dogfish have been at bay if you save some fuel and hit some of the closer humps.

The Sharks have started showing up around here and not a long trip either. There has already been a couple thresher sightings and a bunch of Blue-Dogs already hooked. The Herring season opens for the day draggers in two days on the 15th so you should start seeing a consistent supply of fresh herring at the shop.


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