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Crossroads Bait and Tackle Fish Report > Did You Say Tuna
Did You Say Tuna

May 31, 2013

Season hasn't officially started yet and there are already tuna reports coming into the shop. There is a confirmed catch and release of a 74inch tuna off the cape at Race Point, with pictures to prove it. There were also a couple big tuna accidentally hooked out at the Southwest Hump in our area. I saw one small football come through and smash the surface a little past Speckled Apron right after a couple whales came through. I was wondering why all the schools of mackerel looked a little skittish and were not hanging out in my chum slick. These reports are pretty significant considering the tuna season is about to start and people havn't even started fishing for them yet.

The stripers have been hot and heavy just about everywhere from up in the Merrimack River towards Deer Island all the way to the beachfront and up into Hampton Harbor. The mouth of the Merrimack river is loaded with stripers however the crowd is growing as well. I was watching hoards of boats shooting up to breaking rock and then right back to the mouth. In order to avoid some of the chaos of drifting the mouth I decided to hook some of my live baits up through the chin and troll them along the beach and between the last green can outside the mouth and the red bell bouy. Upriver worms are working very well. Just had a gentleman in who hit about 15 stripers with 4 keepers all on tube and worm in the backwaters within a couple hours.

Flounder are being pounded up in Hampton Harbor with yellow Chestertown Rigs and sea worms.

Cod and Haddock seemed to take a dip in action this week, however still doing pretty good at certain locations. Tillies would be my recomended spot right now, drifting over the ledge you should see some good action in 200-230ft of water.


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