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Crossroads Bait and Tackle Fish Report > The Frenzy Continues
The Frenzy Continues

Jun 10, 2013

Stripers are still hot and heavy and show no signs of slowing down yet, however we have some obstacles to work around lately. The outgoing tide in the Merrimack river after all this rain has turned the river water pretty dirty and brown so you'll have to try and fish the incoming tide inside the river or hit the shallows like Joppa on the outgoing tide or head towards the cleaner ocean water near the mouth and out front. Mackerel are still being caught however are being real sporatic up at breaking rock. schools of bait are being found on the surface out in the deeper waters and towards Hampton Shoal Ledge. You can also check the discharge shafts north of breaking rocks when there are large crowds of boats plucking away at the finnecky schools at breaking rock. Also beware of seals, badgers rocks will produce stripers when the seals are'nt around but lately they have been hanging out in huge numbers in that area scaring a lot of the stripers away.

Tuna are being caught in big quantities down in the Cape and already showed up in this area. One fisherman lost a 400 pounder yesterday right out front after his harpoon shot freaked out the weary fish and sent him right into his engines causing the dart to pull and line to shread. Other fish have been caught on the troll out on the Cove this week. Most of the tuna are staying up high in the water column. When the fish are up high you won't see as many on your fishfinder so look for other signs like bait and surface blitzes and don't keep your attention glued to your electronics.

Flounder have been hitting very good recently, off the south Jetty of the River and inside Hampton Harbor.

Groundfishing picked back up a little after a slow week and we are starting to see more consistent keeper size haddock being pulled up. The cod continue to be touch and go though with some boats doing very well finding large bio-masses and other boats striking out. Old Scantum has started producing on the groundfish off the edges in 200 ft of water or more.


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