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Crossroads Bait and Tackle Fish Report > Shark and Tuna
Shark and Tuna

Aug 1, 2014

Shark and Tuna are showing up strong and just in time for the first annual non-profit Newburyport Shark and Tuna Tournament. There is still space for constestants and sponsors and all the money goes to a good cause. The Tuna have shown up and I've gotten many reports of Bluefin sightings from Speckled Apron to the 180 line about 6 miles off the beach. I marked a few out by the draggers while cruising out the other day. Most of the hook ups and landed fish have been coming off of the Curl and on Jeffries. There is a lot of whiting and herring out there so I wouldn't waste my time stopping for mack's which have been a little spotty some days. The marks and the hook ups are starting to show up a little lower in the water column, and it seems like the trend has been for the mid water bait set at about 120ft to get hit by the Tuna. The sharks have gotten pretty thick with a lot of big blue dogs, a couple mako sightings, however I havn't heard of any threshers yet.

Stripers are very hit or miss right now and we are seeing some good action, and sporatic size. There was a 51pounder caught on clams up at Hampton Beach this week. I have heard a couple reports about bluefish but it's looking like they may not make a big appearance around the Merrimack River.

Flounder are an easy target right now, the lobster traps are a good starting place in about 40-60ft of water

Groundfishing is showing the best reports from either Old Scantum or Tillies. Higher ratio of keepers at Tillies though


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