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Crossroads Bait and Tackle Fish Report > Big Fish and Big Action
Big Fish and Big Action

Aug 12, 2017

The Newburyport Shark and Tuna Tournament is coming up and the sharking as blown up just in Time. Tuna Fishing has been going strong for the last while now. Guys from the Div. of Marine Fisheries were telling me that they were seeing Threshers, Makos and Blue Sharks all over southern Jeffries. Chris from Manolin Charters said he caught 13sharks at Tillies and I've also heard Pigeon Hill was swarming with big blue sharks over 300 LBS. I took my 5 yr old out to halfway hump and we had our first shark chummed up in about 15 min. My brother on the Hoggtide went 2 for 2 this week on tuna. they caught one on Wed at the Flag and another on Fri at the Compass Rose. Many others have been caught at halfway Hump and Old Scantum.

The Pogies continue to flood the beach front out by round rock in front of Salisbury beach. Right in front of the Pavilion. Some very big bass have been hanging out under them, some days feeding some days not. They have been awesome for fishing and an incredible sight to see. I've never seen a pogie run like this around here before. Mackerel have been easier to catch the last 2 weeks than they have been all season long. Breaking Rock in the morning and in the afternoon try a little deeper out by Hampton Shoal Ledge. We have weighed in a bunch of 50+ pounders this year and it's no coincidence the bait is abundant. The Merrimac River is holding a ton of low thirty inch fish at the mouth and on Joppa at night. Dragging eels at night along the beach front has been on fire.

Heard of a couple fluke around too, might be a little comeback or just that a fluke.

Ton of haddock out at Tillies right now.


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