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Crossroads Bait and Tackle Fish Report > Early Season Striper Run Is On
Early Season Striper Run Is On

May 27, 2018

There have been a ton of schoolies that have moved into the river over the last few days, a lot of fish in the 15-20 inch range taking clams and seaworms for bait and smaller soft plastics like the 5 inch Savages are working well producing a lot of fish. Some larger fish are being caught further upriver in Haverhill and Lawrence that are up feeding on the river herring run. There have been a number of keeper size fish in the 28-32 inch range being caught in the area of Deer Island as well. Some Mackerel have been seen on Speckled Apron and up on Hampton Shoal Ledge but they have just been coming in flurries and aren't holding consistently yet but it is an encouraging sign.

Haddock fishing continues to be productive with many of the charter boats hitting their limit by early afternoon. The Prong and Cove areas have been very productive although you have to fish through a lot of those extinct cod to get the haddock, the Northwest Corner of Stellwagon has continued to produce big numbers in relatively shallow water up in about 100ft. The fishing is getting better everyday get out there and have some fun!!!


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